Confidence Interval on Linear Combination of Means, Independent Groups (2 of 5)
As an example, consider a hypothetical experiment in which aspirin, Tylenol,
and a placebo are tested to see how much pain relief each provides. The
amount of pain relief is rated on a five-point scale. Four subjects are
tested in each group. The data are shown below:
Aspirin Tylenol Placebo
3 2 2
5 2 1
3 4 3
5 4 2
The problem is to calculate the 95% confidence interval on the
difference between the average of the aspirin and Tylenol groups and
the placebo. That parameter being estimated is:

aspirin is the
population mean
for aspirin, μ
Tylenol is the population mean for Tylenol,
and μ
is the population mean for the placebo.
The first step is to find the
coefficients (a's) so that
i =
where aspirin is Condition 1, Tylenol is Condition 2, and placebo is Condition
3. The solution is: a
0.5, a
2 =
0.5 and a
3= -1. The next step is to compute the 3 sample means.