Reporting Results (2 of 2)


The first sentence sums up the findings. The reader is referred to the table and the figure to see just how large the effect of noise was. The rest of the report contains the results of the statistical analyses. It shows that the differences were not due to chance. If possible, the section on the statistical analyses should be written so that it can be skipped without loss of continuity. The symbol "F(2,27) = 5.94" means that the F was computed to be 5.94, that the degrees of freedom numerator were 2, and the degrees of freedom denominator were 27.

In general, the analysis of variance summary table is not reported, although it is sometimes included in an appendix. When planned comparisons are reported, make sure to specify that they were planned. If the rationale for a planned comparison is not obvious, it should be spelled out. Otherwise, the reader will have difficulty believing that it was really planned.
