All Pairwise Comparisons among Means: Fisher's LSD
Procedure (1 of 2)
An approach suggested by the statistician R. A. Fisher (called the
"least significant difference method" or Fisher's LSD) is to first
test the
null hypothesis that all the
population means are equal (the omnibus null hypothesis) with an
analysis of variance. If the analysis of variance is not significant,
then neither the omnibus null hypothesis nor any other null
hypothesis about differences among means can be rejected. If the
analysis of variance is significant, then each mean is compared with
each other mean using a
t-test. The
advantage of this approach is that there is some control over the
EER. If the omnibus null hypothesis is
true, then the EER is equal to whatever
significance level was used in the
analysis of variance. In the example with the six groups of subjects
given in the section on
t-tests, if the
0.01 level were used in the analysis of variance, then the EER would
be 0.01. The problem with this approach is that it can lead to a high
EER if most population means are equal but one or two are different.