Analysis of Three-factor Designs (3 of 3)


The means are graphed above. The left graph is for the recognition task; the right graph is for the recall task. The effects in the design can be described as follows:
  1. Task: The percent correct was higher for the recognition task than for the recall task.

  2. Age: Adults performed better than children.

  3. Task x Age interaction: The effect of age was greater for the recall task than for the recognition task.

  4. Type of stimulus: Memory was better for pictures than for words.

  5. Task x Type of stimulus interaction: The difference between pictures and words was larger for the recognition task than for the recall task.

  6. Age x Type of stimulus interaction: The effect of age was larger for the words than it was for the pictures.

  7. Task x Age x Type of stimulus interaction: The Age x Type of stimulus interaction was larger for the recognition task than for the recall task. With the recall task, the difference between children and adults was only slightly smaller for pictures than for words. With the recognition task, the difference between children and adults was much smaller for pictures than for words. There was essentially no difference between children and adults for the pictures whereas there was a large difference between children and adults for the words.
