Analysis of Two-factor Designs (3 of 5)

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Sums of Squares
Computational formulas for the sums of squares will not be given since it is assumed that complex analyses will not be done by hand.

Mean Squares
As in the case of a one-factor design, each mean square is equal to the sum of squares divided by the degrees of freedom. For instance, Mean square dosage = 42.6667/2 = 21.333 where the sum of squares dosage is 42.6667 and the degrees of freedom dosage is 2.

F Ratios
The F ratio for an effect is computed by dividing the mean square for the effect by the mean square error. For example, the F ratio for the Task x Dosage interaction is computed by dividing the mean square for the interaction ( 709.3333) by the mean square error (122.6667). The resulting F ratio is: F = 709.3333/122.6667 = 5.783.
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