All Pairwise Comparisons among Means: Example Calculations
(2 of 3)
Substituting the values for n
h and MSE,
lower higher
mean mean ts
G1 vs G2: 3.000 4.875 3.449
G1 Vs G3: 3.000 5.000 3.679
G1 Vs G4: 3.000 7.000 7.357
G2 Vs G3: 4.875 5.000 0.230
G2 Vs G4: 4.875 7.000 3.909
G3 Vs G4: 5.000 7.000 3.679
The table shows the value of t for each of the six possible pairwise comparisons.
For Fisher's LSD, all values of t except the comparison of Group 2 and
Group 3 are above the critical value of 3.08 and are therefore significant.
Duncan's test begins with a comparison of G1 and G4 using a critical
value of 3.33. The t of 7.36 is significant so G1 Vs G3 and G2 Vs G4 are
tested using a critical value of 3.23. Both are significant, so all remaining
comparisons are tested using a critical value of 3.08.