Converting to Percentiles and Back (1 of 4)
If the
mean and
standard deviation of
normal distribution are known, it is relatively
easy to figure out the
percentile rank of a person
obtaining a specific score. To be more concrete, assume a test in Introductory
Psychology is normally distributed with a mean of 80 and a standard deviation
of 5. What is the percentile rank of a person who received a score of 70 on
the test?
Mathematical statisticians have developed ways of determining the proportion
of a distribution that is below a given number of standard deviations from the
mean. They have shown that only 2.3% of the population will be less than or
equal to a score two standard deviations below the mean.
here to see why 70 is two standard deviations below the mean.) In terms
of the Introductory Psychology test example, this means that a person scoring
70 would be in the 2.3rd percentile.
This graph shows the distribution of scores on the test. The shaded area is 2.3% of the total area. The proportion of the area below 70 is equal to the proportion of the scores below 70.