All Pairwise Comparisons among Means: Example Calculations (1 of 3)

The table shown below contains the data from a hypothetical experiment with four groups of four subjects each.
         G1      G2     G3     G4
        4.0     4.0    4.0    6.0
        2.0     5.0    5.0    7.0
        3.0     4.0    4.0    7.0
        3.0     6.5    7.0    8.0
Means:  3.0     4.875  5.0    7.0
The MSE is 1.1823. The critical values as a function of the number of steps for the four methods (as determined from a studentized range table) are shown below.
                 Number of steps
PROCEDURE          2     3      4
Fisher's LSD     3.08  3.08  3.08
Duncan           3.08  3.23  3.33
Newman-Keuls     3.08  3.77  4.20
Tukey HSD        4.20  4.20  4.20
