Restricted Range
Next section: Linear transformations
Consider a
that investigated the correlation between arm strength and grip strength
for 147 people working in physically-demanding jobs. Do you think the
correlation was higher for all 147 workers tested, or for the workers
who were above the median in grip strength? The upper portion of the
figure below shows that the scatterplot for the entire sample of 147
workers. The lower portion of the figure shows the scatterplot for the
73 workers who scored highest on grip strength. The correlation is 0.63
for the sample of 147 but only 0.47 for the sample of 73.
Notice that the scales of the X-axes are different.
Whenever a sample has a restricted range of scores, the correlation will
be reduced. To take the most extreme example, consider what the correlation
between high-school GPA and college GPA would be in a sample where every
student had the same high-school GPA. The correlation would necessarily
be 0.0.
for an interactive demonstration of the effect of restriction of range
for a related demonstration.
Next section: Linear transformations