Binomial distribution (1 of 3)
When a coin is flipped, the outcome is either a head or a tail;
when a magician guesses the card selected from a deck, the magician
can either be correct or incorrect; when a baby is born, the baby is
either born in the month of March or is not. In each of these
examples, an event has two
exclusive possible outcomes. For convenience, one of the outcomes
can be labeled "success" and the other outcome "failure." If an event
occurs N times (for example, a coin is flipped N times), then the
binomial distribution can be used to determine the probability of
obtaining exactly r successes in the N outcomes. The binomial
probability for obtaining r successes in N trials is:
where P(r) is the probability of exactly r successes, N is the number
of events, and π is the probability of success on any one trial. This
formula for the binomial distribution assumes that the events:
- are dichotomous (fall into only two categories)
- are mutually exclusive
- are independent and
- are randomly selected
Consider this simple application of the binomial distribution: What is the
probability of obtaining exactly 3 heads if a fair coin is flipped 6 times?

Free Tutorial on Using Excel's Binomial Function